But politics is a not a zero sum game, it’s more complex than winners and losers or good and evil.
A good compromise usually means that everybody feels a little good and a little shitty in the end. And that folks, is Joe Biden in a nutshell.
Trump was elected to drain the swamp, basically what Bernie wanted to do – and even if Trump actually wanted to do that, he hasn’t been able to. He is constantly frustrated by having to play by the rules and succumb to small incremental changes. Bernie would have suffered the same fate.
Let’s not pretend that Joe Biden isn’t a stale marshmallow of a candidate who represents so much of what the Democrats are fearful of. But there is a reason he has lasted this long, and there is a reason that Obama, Warren, and Bernie have finally waved their flags of support. It’s because he is good enough, and that right now is the prize. To get anywhere in politics, you have to play the dirty politics game. I don’t mean you have to be corrupt (although that’s a different discussion), I just mean you have to get a little dirty. Bernie was not willing to play the game, he was renowned for turning down talk shows and videos if he thought he wasn’t going to be praised. He was also renowned for rarely speaking or commenting publicly on anything outside of his stump speeches. And is there anyone better at being the butt of a joke than Biden? Ya, probably, but he does pretty well. His high-profile career in politics has trained him not to avoid bad press or hide at any whiff of hostile backlash. Biden isn’t going to expose the underbelly of government or drain the swamp, and for all of us that hoped and prayed for that in 2020, it is okay to feel loss.
It is okay to feel that we are pushing up against an immovable barrier…
…that the corruption in our government is untouchable, and that moderation will never make a dent. But it will make a dent. We have to keep making dents, as exhausting, and disheartening as it may be. Small snowballs roll down the hill to form big snowballs. We can’t cut corners. Biden may not make the big moves that Bernie promised, but he at least won’t let the dial move too far the other way.
Big structural change has happened in the face of much worse – but you just can’t alway come at it waving a big stick like Teddy Roosevelt.
In reality, change is made by every day people pounding and pounding and pounding at the barrier – because it moves a little bit every day. It’s just hard to see unless you take a step back Ferris Bueller style.
If we wait for a savior, we will watch our Democracy fall into pieces. Allowing Trump to continue into a second term while you wait for another Warren or Bernie, is naïve. There, I said it. We are young, and seeing the big picture isn’t our strong suit. But in the big picture, this is a marathon not a sprint. We have to start somewhere or we will never start. Spoiler - the Savior doesn’t show up – we have to do it ourselves. Our president is a reflection of the people, it isn’t a chicken and the egg. We have to be the change, before we see that change in the White House. There. are. no. shortcuts. I’m not going to leave you with a loud, powerful, inspirational statement. Because this is about incremental change, and incremental change is what it is - painstaking and ordinary.
A little bit, every day. Today, it’s Joe Biden. Tomorrow – who knows? But probably something better.